Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence

Parallel Shared Memory Strategies for Ant-Based Optimization Algorithms
T. Bui, T. Nguyen, J. R. Rizzo Jr

Artificial Life, Evolutionary Robotics, Adaptive Behavior, Evolvable Hardware

How Novelty Search Escapes the Deceptive Trap of Learning to Learn
S. Risi, S. D. Vanderbleek, C. E. Hughes, K. O. Stanley

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Modeling Evolutionary Fitness for DNA Motif Discovery
S. Rahmann, T. Marschall, F. Behler, O. Kramer

Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics

Fixed-Parameter Evolutionary Algorithms and the Vertex Cover Problem
S. Kratsch, F. Neumann

Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

EDA-RL: Estimation of Distribution Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning Problems
H. Handa
Approximating the Search Distribution to the Selection Distribution in EDAs
S. I. Valdez-Peña, A. Hernández-Aguirre, S. Botello-Rionda

Evolution Strategies and Evolutionary Programming

Efficient Natural Evolution Strategies
Y. Sun, D. Wierstra, T. Schaul, J. Schmidhuber

Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization

Multiplicative Approximations and the Hypervolume Indicator
T. Friedrich, C. Horoba, F. Neumann

Generative and Developmental Systems

The Sensitivity of HyperNEAT to Different Geometric Representations of a Problem
J. Clune, C. Ofria, R. T. Pennock

Genetic Algorithms

Tunneling Between Optima: Partition Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem
D. Whitley, A. Howe, D. Hains

Genetic Programming

A Genetic Programming Approach to Automated Software Repair
S. Forrest, T.V. Nguyen, W. Weimer, C. Le Goues

Genetics-Based Machine Learning

Learning Sensorimotor Control Structures with XCSF
M. V. Butz, G. K. M. Pedersen, P. O. Stalph
New Entropy Model for Extraction of Structural Information from XCS Population
W. K. Park, J. C. Oh

Parallel Evolutionary Systems

Strategies to Minimise the Total Run Time of Cyclic Graph Based Genetic Programming with GPUs
T. E. Lewis, G. D. Magoulas

Real World Application

Optimizing Low-Discrepancy Sequences with an Evolutionary Algorithm
F.-M. De Rainville, C. Gagné, O. Teytaud, D. Laurendeau

Search Based Software Engineering

Software Project Planning for Robustness and Completion Time in the Presence of Uncertainty using Multi Objective Search Based Software Engineering
S. Gueorguiev, M. Harman, G. Antoniol


Dynamic Evolutionary Optimisation: An Analysis of Frequency and Magnitude of Change
P. Rohlfshagen, P. K. Lehre, Xin Yao

GECCO Graduate Student Workshop

Learnable Evolution Model Performance Impaired by Binary Tournament Survival Selection
Mark Coletti (George Mason University)

Sigevo GECCO Impact Award

M. Pelikan, D. Goldberg, E. Cantu-Paz: BOA: The Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
S. Hofmeyer, S. Forrest: Immunity by Design: An Artificial Immune System