GECCO Companion '15: Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation

TUTORIAL SESSION: Tutorial Chair's Welcome
Session details: Tutorial Chair's Welcome
TUTORIAL SESSION: Introductory Tutorials
Genetic Programming: A Tutorial Introduction
Evolutionary Computation: A Unified Approach
Tutorial on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
Many optimization problems are multiobjective in nature in the sense that multiple, conflicting criteria need to be optimized simultaneously. Due to the conflict between objectives, usually, no single optimal solution exists. Instead, the optimum ...
Particle Swarm Optimization
Model-Based Evolutionary Algorithms
Runtime Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms: Basic Introduction
Evolutionary algorithm theory has studied the time complexity of evolutionary algorithms for more than 20 years. Different aspects of this rich and diverse research field were presented in four different advanced or specialized tutorials at last year's ...
Evolving Neural Networks
Neuroevolution, i.e. evolution of artificial neural networks, has recently emerged as a powerful technique for solving challenging reinforcement learning problems. Compared to traditional (e.g. value-function based) methods, neuroevolution is especially ...
Introduction to Complex Networks
Cartesian Genetic Programming
Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) is a well-known form of Genetic Programming developed by Julian Miller in 1999-2000. In its classic form, it uses a very simple integer address-based genetic representation of a program in the form of a directed ...
Tutorial on Evolutionary Robotics
In the same way as evolution shapes animals, is it possible to use artificial evolution to automatically design robots? This attractive vision gave birth to Evolutionary Robotics (ER), an interdisciplinary field that incorporates ideas from Biology, ...
Introducing Rule-based Machine Learning: A Practical Guide
Multimodal Optimization
Multimodal optimization is currently getting established as a research direction that collects approaches from various domains of evolutionary computation that strive for delivering multiple very good solutions at once. We start with discussing why this ...
Continuous Optimization and CMA-ES
Representations for Evolutionary Algorithms
Successful and efficient use of evolutionary algorithms (EA) depends on the choice of the genotype, the problem representation (mapping from genotype to phenotype) and on the choice of search operators that are applied to the genotypes. These choices ...
TUTORIAL SESSION: Advanced Tutorials
Constraint-Handling Techniques used with Evolutionary Algorithms
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), when used for global optimization, can be seen as unconstrained optimization techniques. Therefore, they require an additional mechanism to incorporate constraints of any kind (i.e., inequality, equality, linear, nonlinear)...
Blind No More: Constant TimeNon-Random Improving Moves and Exponentially Powerful Recombination
Expressive Genetic Programming
The language in which evolving programs are expressed can have significant impacts on the problem-solving capabilities of a genetic programming system. These impacts stem both from the absolute computational power of the languages that are used, as ...
Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms
Theory of Swarm Intelligence
Social animals as found in fish schools, bird flocks, bee hives, and ant colonies are able to solve highly complex problems in nature. This includes foraging for food, constructing astonishingly complex nests, and evading or defending against predators. ...
Evolutionary Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
Generative and Developmental Systems Tutorial
Evolutionary Algorithms for Protein Structure Modeling
In the last two decades, great progress has been made in molecular modeling through computational treatments of biological molecules grounded in evolutionary search techniques. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are gaining popularity beyond exploring the ...
Solving Complex Problems with Coevolutionary Algorithms
Theory of Evolution Strategies and Related Algorithms
Introduction to Gene Regulatory Networks
Gene regulatory networks are a central mechanism in the regulation of gene expression in all living organisms? cells. Their functioning is nowadays very well understood: they are based on the production of proteins enhanced or inhibited by other ...
Semantic Genetic Programming
Semantic genetic programming is a recent, rapidly growing trend in Genetic Programming (GP) that aims at opening the 'black box' of the evaluation function and make explicit use of more information on program behavior in the search. In the most common ...
Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Optimization Problems
Many real-world optimization problems are subject to dynamic environments, where changes may occur over time regarding optimization objectives, decision variables, and/or constraint conditions. Such dynamic optimization problems (DOPs) are challenging ...
TUTORIAL SESSION: Specialized Tutorials
Medical Applications of Evolutionary Computation
The application of genetic and evolutionary computation to problems in medicine has increased rapidly over the past five years, but there are specific issues and challenges that distinguish it from other real-world applications. Obtaining reliable and ...
Automatic (Offline) Configuration of Algorithms
Most optimization algorithms, including evolutionary algorithms and metaheuristics, and general-purpose solvers for integer or constraint programming, have often many parameters that need to be properly configured (i.e., tuned) for obtaining the best ...
Intelligent Systems for Smart Cities
The concept of Smart Cities can be understood as a holistic approach to improve the level of development and management of the city in a broad range of services by using information and communication technologies.
It is common to recognize six axes of ...
Low or no cost distributed evolutionary computation
From the era of big science we are back to the "do it yourself", where you do not have any money to buy clusters or subscribe to grids but still have algorithms that crave many computing nodes and need them to measure scalability. Fortunately, this ...
Synergies between Evolutionary Algorithms and Reinforcement Learning
A recent trend in evolutionary algorithms (EAs) transfers expertise from and to other areas of machine learning. An interesting novel symbiosis considers: i) reinforcement learning (RL), which learns on-line and off-line difficult dynamic elaborated ...